This is a problem which often crops up. Are you living with piles of papers for ever accumulating even more paper? This could be at home or at the office. They all need sorting out but you don’t know where to start. Contacting SBC Stress Management is your first step in getting this sorted out.
Another place for clutter to accumulate is in the cupboard (s). They may be full of junk and desperately need clearing out, but the task seems too daunting to start. SBC Stress Management can help you with this
What Personal Coaching Can Do
Personal Coaching can help you when you have a decision to make and you are struggling to decide what to do. It can help with changing your lifestyle to a more positive one, one which is better suited for you. Coaching can help you look at what you are spending time on now, and what you would like to spend more time on. For example are home and family being neglected because of work demands? Coaching can help you look at this and to make positive changes to fit in with what your most important priorities are in life.
What Is The Cost of Coaching and Where Is It Held?
The cost of coaching is £50 per session, and I would recommend you have at least 2 sessions so that you can see the improvements you have made or goal that you have reached. Each session, is usually an hour, but if required we can go over this with no extra cost.
You can spread the cost of coaching by having the sessions fortnightly, three weekly or monthly. The payment is to be made 2 days prior to the appointment via bank transfer.
Coaching can be done either on the telephone or on skype so you do not have to leave the comfort of your home.
What Happens During The Coaching Process?
The coaching process is geared around the individual and also controlled by the individual; each person decides what they want to coached around and also what they want to achieve. With the help of the coach, the coachee (that is the client), will devise a realistic, step by step approach to achieving their goal. The coach will only act as guide or prompt, and will not provide advice as this would be a form of mentoring and would not be true coaching. In the main, coaching involves questioning, listening and techniques allowing the client to understand what prevents them from doing things, and conversely, what motivates them to do things and move them one step nearer to achieving their goal.
Some of the common problems people want to be coached on are listed below:
Please Note: these are not the only topics which can be coached on if you need advice, please check the contacts details at the bottom of this page and speak to Teresa Clarke at SBC Stress Management.
Career change
Work/life balance
Increasing self-worth
Lifestyle changes
Time management
Career change
You may be an individual who is stuck in a rut at work, and don’t know what job you want to do or can’t find the motivation to look for another job. You may dislike your job but feel scared of going into another job in case you dislike it more. Oftentimes we forget what we have accomplished and how good we are at certain things. SBC Stress Management can help with this; it will help you step out of your negative state of mind and help you to see what skills you have acquired. From here you will know more about what direction your career could go.
Work/life balance
As the heading suggests, this is about getting balance in your life. You may be struggling to keep up at work and doing overtime to catch up, or juggling to keep work and home life ticking over. As well as having practical problems, this can be an emotional issue as well; it can be a case of the way things are being viewed, as well as not being able to prioritise. Standing back and looking at our lives overall can help with this by using various coaching strategies.
Increasing self-worth
Low self-worth is a difficult thing and we all experience it at some time in our lives; it may be about one thing in particular, like starting a new job and feeling you are useless and will never learn it, or you may be starting a course which you think you will never be able to do. SBC Stress Management can help you start to see that you can do these things, all you need is a different way of looking at them.
A common thing with low self-worth are the negative thoughts you may have about yourself. These can be difficult to stop. These are only thoughts though, and can be stopped using various Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques (NLP). NLP looks at how we use self- talk, and how this affects the way we think, our moods, and how we behave. Once this is understood, massive changes can occur in the way we think and feel. NLP is used often during coaching sessions and has proved to be very effective in helping people think more positively about themselves.
Lifestyle changes
One of my clients wanted to make a change in her life which included eating healthier, but could never seem to manage this. During the coaching sessions it was evident this lady had something in her mind from childhood which prevented her from looking after herself, which included having a healthy diet. Once she was aware of this, my client was able to understand why she prevented herself from buying and cooking heathy food and to start looking after herself properly.
Healthy eating is not the only area where lifestyles can be changed. SBC Stress Management has also coached clients on exercising, taking time out for themselves, looking at life as a whole and noticing what you want to spend more time doing. It is always worth a look at how your self-talk is affecting your lifestyle too and what prevents you from doing more of what you want.
Time Management
This is another common problem which coaching techniques combined with other techniques can address; in the main it is usually about helping the client focus on the main priorities in their work or home life and tackling these first or on a regular basis. Again the coaching process will involve looking at client self-talk and using NLP strategies to ensure this talk is positive to encourage positive action and change